
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pudu – Tong Kee – 棠记兄弟饼家

Food Hunting:

My favorite pastry shop is definitely Pudu’s Tong Kee! There are a few branches in KL, so far I have learned that there are 2 at Pudu and 1 at Sri Petaling. I usually go to the Pudu main branch with the perception that the quality would be the best at the main branch. However, it was temporary closed until December 5th, so I went to another branch instead which is near to the Pudu Plaza (Used to be known as Hiong Kong Supermarket).

Tong Kee’s egg tart is really nice with its crispy pastry with the smooth and sweet egg filling. I have heard no complaints about Tong Kee egg tart so far. I love its black sesame puff a lot. It is slight sweet with strong sesame fragrant. Black sesame is good for healthy hair! The only bad thing is I seldom able to buy it from the shop. The puff always finishes off early in the afternoon. Mom loves the roasted pork bun too. Unlike some other roasted pork buns, the pastry is a bit softer and less dry. Our friends like the chicken pie. It is pretty good but be aware that the chicken pie cannot store overnight or else it will turn sour.

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很少人没听说过棠记兄弟饼家,尤其是它的蛋挞! 就有如阿咧(Ah Lek)在难兄难弟里唱的歌一样,滑滑阿溜溜。。。有些人喜欢原味,有些人则喜欢奶油饼皮的,看个人口味啦!我家啊,就是它的忠实粉丝,爱极它的蛋挞不用说,还有黑芝麻饼,烧包,鸡派和咸蛋酥等。还好我不住在富都,不然我铁定胖死了。那时候面圆如蛋挞, 身形如烧包就惨了。

棠记蛋挞皮松脆且蛋蓉香滑清甜,黑芝麻饼皮薄芝麻馅香浓,烧包则外皮松软猪肉馅香浓。可惜我已被Daniel 从怡报买的烧包虏获了,觉得其他烧包再好也抵不过它。我其他的朋友也一致喜爱棠记鸡派,味道确实很棒。因为我不常去富都,我每次去棠记买并都买双份。一份留给明天当早餐,只需要放入烘炉加温一下就美味可口了!当然有时候等不及明早就被我们当宵夜给解决掉了。哦对了,得留意鸡派不能留过夜,不然会变酸。

不知该说棠记有原则还是固执,它每天只坚持卖特定的数量。好像它的黑芝麻饼,时常在下午就卖光了,那天就不会再烘培了。我听富都的老街坊说,棠记只让自家人打理饼铺。所以即使人手不足而没办法满足需求量,他们宁可失去那生意也不要请外人。就像它之前在Jaya Jusco 做得好好的,也因为人手不足加上Jaya Jusco 要它定时保持产量,它就不干了。对Jaya Jusco来说,它要求棠记不能在下午就说芝麻饼卖完了,顾客在傍晚时分也必须买到他想吃的饼。对棠记来说呢,下午卖完就代表卖完了,明天请早点来。不过呢,这都是传言啦,事实上受否是这样倒不清楚了。

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Taman Muda Ampang – Tmn Muda Egg Tart 安邦太子园- 太子挞!

Food Hunting:
We just learned from our friends that there is a well-known egg tart stall near our housing area. What a shame that we never heard of it! We drove around the area and found the little stall. It is located next to the BP Petrol station, right at the corner of the T junction turning into 7-Eleven. The pastries are freshly toasted out from the oven and made into mini sizes. Its delicate egg tart is the most popular among all, and it is also the tastiest too!

I personally preferred the egg tart and Kaya puff. The pastry of the egg tart is crispy and flaky with salty taste. I like its egg filling as it is not too sweet. I can pop in the whole tart in one bite! Those with sweet tooth will probably like the Kaya puff too! The flaky pantry has a light fragrant smell of Pandan leaves. As the size is pretty small, one can finish the whole puff easily and still has space to try the others. =P The roasted pork bun is ok, not much different the other stalls. My mom and I dislike the tuna pie though. The tuna filling is salty and sticky.

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里头真的非常多人,老板一面把蛋挞送进炉里,一面抱歉“对不起,刚刚卖完了。可以等一等吗?” “等多久?”“三分钟” “三分钟还好,就等一会儿吧!” 我们买了两个蛋挞,两个烧包,两个加央角和两个金枪鱼派; 都非常新鲜烫手!

蛋挞真不错!酥皮松脆带点咸味,蛋馅柔软但不甜腻。小小一个精致可爱,棒!我觉得它与堂记蛋挞各有千秋!金枪鱼派呢就比较差。金枪鱼馅就只是咸,完全没有香味。里头就只有鱼馅,或许加一点其他佐料来提升味道会好一些吧?爱吃甜食的人应该会比较喜欢加央角。它的外皮有淡淡的班兰叶香,多层松脆。烧包就和平常的烧包没两样。就怪我同事Daniel 从怡保带来的烧包太好吃了!吃其他的烧包都觉得平平无奇。


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